Anything Goes 2024

Back home for a rest after a very hectic weekend in Tywyn for the Anything Goes Gala.

Guest loco was the Corris Railway’s new build Falcon loco which aquitted itself well.

It ran alongside 1, 2, 3, 7 and diesels 9, 11 & 12 from the home fleet. Three sets of carriages, a set of engineering wagons and Toby the Trolley. The weekend also saw the return to traffic of the Corris Brake Van after a major rebuild. 

At Wharf, there was a beer festival, five inch gauge miniature line and the garden railway being run. 

Saturday saw an intensive service with everything crossing at every loop followed by the now traditional loco cavalcade. 

Sunday saw the recreation of the 1974 AGM special with two sets of carriages, a nine coach set rather than the usual maximum of five. With a line up of all the steam locos at Abergynolwyn in the afternoon. 

There were plenty of loco changes en route and short workings added to the mix.

Spent Saturday driving Toby the Trolley on three trips (we usually only do two), conveying volunteers about and making cake deliveries to people. It meant I got plenty of photos of the shenanigans as I usually got to the loops first. 

Sunday I was Abergynolwyn Blockman, think I threw more levers in the afternoon than I usually do in a year! I also walked several miles up and down that platform collecting and delivering tokens, could do with it shortening.

The beer was fully tested on Friday and Saturday nights and the fish n chips on offer at Wharf Friday evening very tasty. 

The railway was very busy over both days with lots of people enjoying themselves which was good. The heavy rain of Saturday morning didn’t put them off. Though the most dedicated I reckon were the pair stood in the rain on Dolgoch platform at 9am Saturday morning filming me going through on the first trip on the trolley.

The photos I took are in this Flickr album for anyone who wants to take a look:

The journey home straight from Abergynolwyn involved the usual means of accessing the car park….



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