Two Steps Forward And One Back

Whilst it might’ve been a few months since I last worked on the layout, I’d not forgotten my first job. Trackwork continues to be my nemesis and one day I will conquer it. But that can wait til tomorrow… Running sessions had shown there were a few spots with less than ideal running. Derailments had also identified my most cantankerous wagon and it was time to fix the problem and use the latter to test it. 

First up, two points that were slightly temperamental with some splitting of the route occurring have had their point operators adjusted and the cantankerous test wagon (CTW) now runs through both just fine. 

The second job was more time consuming. When the track was laid, someone on a forum had warned me that running through the isometric three way point could be temperamental. Slightly sceptical as my Dad has used them on his ok gauge layout for years, sadly this prophecy of doom proved to be true. However I tweaked the point, more often than not there was a derailment when using the left hand diverging route into the coal siding. 

Despite  it being the point that set me on to my layout plan it had to go. Whilst one of my friends suggested I hand build this replacement point, I decided that a tricky three way was not the place to start! A Peco asymmetrical three way point was obtained, alas, only available in code 75 I’m hoping that when ballast strewn and weed infested the change in rail section and sleeper spacing will be well hidden.

First step was to disconnect the electrical feeds and rip out the old point plus the adjacent sections of the three routes. 

The new three way was fitted with car taken to line up the straight ahead route. Pinned in place and checked for running, the point operators were re-fitted in their slightly moved position and adjusted until the CTW rolled through the new point in all directions just fine too. 

The loop and siding plain line was then laid and the CTW rolled through in all directions and not a single derailment occurred. 

Still need to solder in fresh droppers for the electrickery feeds, connect them up underneath and finally give it a test run with a loco and I can move on. 

So progress has been made and we are now back to where we were. But this time with reliable running before I start covering the layout with scenery. It’s all part of the learning experience I’m told. 


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