A Last Long Weekend?

One benefit of shift work has been the long weekend off, which, with a daughter at nursery and my good lady working four day weeks we’ve been able to take advantage of getting away for long weekends. With our daughter starting school in September, our long weekends will be restricted by term times for the foreseeable future. So we headed off to Tywyn for one last long weekend away before term starts. 

First stop on a gloriously sunny day was to catch up with some friends and their children. Down the beach with some for sandcastles, beach cricket and a paddle, followed by rekindling my youth at ‘the gate’ on Tynllwyn Caravan Park.

Secondly I was able to enjoy a couple of days volunteering on the Talyllyn in the blockposts at Brynglas and Quarry Siding. There is no more relaxing way to volunteer, the day at Brynglas being particularly so with a trainee who can’t be far from let loose on their own. I even dodged the showers. 

The weekend coincided with the Talyllyn’s second beer festival of the season too. Plus a pop up in Tywyn from the Celtic Cabin, a favourite street food style cabin by the beach at Barmouth of ours. Mackerel (with prawn fritters) or Pulled Pork being the taco fillings of choice.

And finally… Sunday morning saw the Skylark take its new wagons for a trundle round Llechfan Garden Railway. They ran nicely and the Loco Remote proving once again to be child’s play. Once the line had been cleared of windfalls that is.


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