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The Final Ponder (For Now)

Whilst some people consider that their model railway is never finished, ‘Wheal Ponder’ was always intended to be a finite project. Get a model to a state where it is done, to challenge myself to tackle the techniques that I found daunting and to take the experience gained and learn from it in future projects. Most of all, finally create something that I can enjoy operating and provide a home to run some of my loco and stock builds on. ‘Wheal Ponder’ is now pretty much complete in my eyes and so the time has come to consider what I’ve learnt along the way. Most importantly, to write it down and put it somewhere sensible so I can refer to it in future. The blog being the sensible place and if anyone else finds these ponderings useful then so much the better. Exhibiting the layout was always a secondary consideration, rather than a primary concern. I have always envisaged the layout to be operated mainly at home for my own enjoyment and will be set up and ready to operate with just a flic

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